
Father And Daughter In Sexual Relationship Go On TV!

It was too disturbed even for Jerry Springer.
So when the show rejected an 18-year-old girl who was having a sexual relationship with her father, there was only one person they could turn to – Steve Wilkos.
Recently the show aired a two-part story about a father – Morgan – and his biological daughter Britney, who reconnected through Myspace when she was 16 and started to have a relationship.
Britney explained to Steve Wilkos: ‘I was 16 when I looked for him on Myspace. My family members had kept us apart and I hadn’t seen him since I was seven so I looked him up.
‘On my page I had pictures of my boobs and bum on there and when he saw it he said, “My little baby girl should not be doing that”. But then he put a smiley face.
‘When I saw that I thought he had sexual feelings for me.’
Wilkos asked her if she did not think that he was taking advantage of her and she said: ‘No, because I wanted it too. I see a future with him. I have a really good feeling about us and I know it will work out.’
When her heavily-tattooed father Morgan came on, he was booed by the audience, but it did not stop him from greeting his girlfriend and daughter with a long, passionate French kiss, one in which Wilkos had to stop before it got too far.
He told Morgan that he ‘should probably go and see a doctor and get some therapy, preying on your daughter like that’.
He replied: ‘I’m not preying on her, yes I’m sleeping with her but it’s not like I’m abusing her or something.’
Morgan said he did not see a problem with what he was doing and said that when he looked at his daughter all he could see was his soul mate.
Though he did reveal he would not cross the line when it came to having babies, in case the child would be ‘retarded’.
In the introductory piece to the segment, Wilkos said that he wanted to make sure that the story was legitimate before taking it on and had asked for proof, which sources say came in the form of a video showing the couple having sex.
On part two of the show, which was aired 36 days later, Britney had returned, worried that she was pregnant despite the fact she said she was on birth control pills.
She told Wilkos she was two months behind on her period. But when he questioned her further, she revealed she wanted to get pregnant on purpose, telling him that she believed there was ‘no scientific proof it would come out all weird’.
When her dad was brought on the show, the 18-year-old admitted that she wanted to get pregnant, shouting at him: ‘I’m 18 years old, I want seven kids!’
Another reason they appeared on the show was because Britney was afraid that her father was cheating on her.
A lie detector test showed that he was.
Though Morgan denied it, the 18-year-old screamed at him and asked him how he could do it, before figuring out he was carrying out the affair while she was at school.
At the end of the show, Wilkos gave Britney the opportunity to leave her father and go and get professional help with the abuse she had suffered her whole life.
But instead she took her father’s hand and vowed to stand by him.

Chinese Couple Sells All Three Kids To Play Online Games!

DONGGUAN, China) — A young Chinese couple has sold all three of their children in exchange for money to play online games at Internet cafes, reports a southern Chinese newspaper.
According to Sanxiang City News, the couple met in an Internet cafe back in 2007 and bonded over their obsession with online video games.  A year later, the parents — who are both under 21 — welcomed their first child, a son.  Days after his birth, they left him home alone while they went to play online games at an Internet cafe 30 km away.
In 2009, Li Lin and Li Juan welcomed their second child, a baby girl, and came up with the idea to sell her for money to fund their online game obsession.  They did so, receiving RMB 3,000 (less than $500), which they spent entirely shortly after.  The couple then proceeded to sell their first child and got 10 times as much for him — RMB 30,000, or about $4600.
Upon having their third child — another boy — the parents followed in their previous footsteps and also got RMB 30,000 for him.
They were finally turned into authorities when Li Lin’s mother found out what her son and his girlfriend had done.
When asked if they missed their children, the parents answered, “We don’t want to raise them, we just want to sell them for some money.”
Sanxiang City Newsreports the couple didn’t know they were breaking the law.

Vietnamese Man Has Massive 200-lb Tumor Removed From Leg!

CBS) A Vietnamese man had a 198-pound tumor removed from his right leg on Thursday. Thirty-two-year-old Nguyen Duy Hai had the huge tumor removed during a 12-hour operation, led by an American plastic surgeon.
The surgery was reportedly successful and the man is recovering at the France-Vietnam Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City, according to Tuoitrenews in Vietnam.
Dr. McKay McKinnon, a plastic surgeon at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Chicago, led the team that performed the operation, which was funded through donations.
“It’s common for people to fear death, and I’m no exception. But when I heard that Dr. Mc Kinnon had decided to come back to Vietnam one more time to give me a new life, I became more hopeful,” Hai told Tuoitrenews.
The surgery had only a 50 percent success rate, according to Dr. Jean-Marcel Guillon, chief executive officer of the hospital where the surgery was performed. Guillon told CNN the giant tumor likely developed its own blood system with huge arteries branching out, meaning there were plenty of risks during the procedure.
Even though surgeons managed to remove the tumor, Guillon said the tumor might return at some point, “but we can operate him again, and it won’t never reach such a size anymore.”
The tumor started growing when Hai was only 4 years old, and doctors eventually amputated his right leg once he was 17 and the tumor weighed more than 55-pounds. But the tumor kept growing, and eventually reached more than 3 feet in diameter, causing lots of pain in daily life.
Click here to see videos of Hai meeting with Dr. McKinnon, and click here to see videos of the actual surgery.

5 Insane Sacrifices Made For Science!

With a Dutch company planning to send astronauts to Mars for life—and make it a reality show—no other scientific endeavor could ask more of people … right? Well, the Wall Street Journalruns down the competition:
  • 90 people offered to work on ships near the Navy’s Bikini Atoll atomic bomb tests in 1946, to help scientists gather biological data. Humans were “more satisfactory than animals,” Navy researchers admitted, but they feared a public relations disaster and turned down the volunteers.

  • University of Alabama professor Allan Walker Blair let a black widow bite him for 10 seconds to guarantee a full shot of venom. Blair spent days in hospitalized agony; a physician said he hadn’t seen “more abject pain manifested in any other medical or surgical condition.”
  • Japanese pediatrician Shimesu Koino downed 2,000 intestinal roundworm eggs so he could closely study its life cycle. The infection got so bad, he coughed them all up.
  • Herbert Woollard and Edward Carmichael, doctors based in London, piled weights on their testicles to see how the pain would move through their bodies.
Why the self-sacrifice? The Journal borrows President Kennedy’s line that people do such things “not because they are easy, but because they are hard.